Don’t be an ostrich

Our family has had a hard last 6 months with one parent having a triple bypass and one passing away.
The fact is when our parents were growing up there wasn’t a lot known about exercise, there is now.
Exercise science has grown in leaps and bounds and you cant miss it, The benefits of exercise in helping to prevent scary illnesses and having a quality of life with out a lot of medical intervention are well known, its spruiked on TV ,radio, papers, by doctos, health workers etc.
Gyms and health clubs have changed a lot as well, at flex it we use the latest exercise science to guess what? Help people in there middle age and up have quality of life and try and avoid medical issues.
So why aren’t you here? Time, Money, Scared, Embarrassed I have heard them all the fact is excuses melt away and don’t mean anything when your on the operating table, its to late to say I should have. Our parents didn’t have the benefit of the knowledge we have now so use it.
I am not trying to scare any one hear the point I am trying to make is that if in your heart you know you need help to lead a better longer more healthy life then get your butt in here because excuses don’t count on something as important as your life.
Here are a few tips for quality of life
· Don’t smoke, says it all
· Wear sun block in the sun even if your dark skinned it may be me but the sun seems to be getting stronger these days
· Drink lots of water ,I try to empty a 2 litre cordial bottle each day, water is the best fluid to flush out toxins from your system, you may be looking for the toilet to start with but that will settle in a week
· Avoid simple carbohydrates they raise insulin levels, insulin is a storage hormone and can promote body fat, its also been associated with higher risk of breast cancer in menopausal women
· Use flax or fish oil this increases the good fats
· Try green tea lots of antioxidants a billion Chinese cant be wrong, it has been reported to help with weight loss try 4 cups a day
· Try eating dark chocolate instead of milk, lots of antioxidants, don’t eat the whole block
· 5 a day fruit and veg, we normally don’t eat enough
· Have close relationships so you can confide in people, you have heard the saying “get it off your chest” its true, makes you feel good.
· Reduce stress try 10 minutes of meditation, listen to relaxing music ,or read
· Try not to be afraid the worst stress comes from the inside. I have seen people sit there and worry about being worried, be aware of what you’re thinking.
· Keep safe look both ways before crossing the road some times I wonder how we make it to 30 with the silly stuff we do growing up, now is not the time to take silly risks, get the air conditioner man to climb on the roof to put the cover on for winter. simple stuff
· Have a yearly check up don’t be an ostrich
· Sleep well, develop a sleep schedule
· Look after your teeth and gums, your mouth can effect your heart
· Come and talk to us at flex it and we will put it all together for you don’t stick your head in the sand don’t be an ostrich
I really hope to see you at flexit soon.
If you would like a free copy of our report the truth about weight loss just CLICK THE LINK
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